Shop at Fishnose

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With all the techno-junk that floats around this place, it would be very silly not to
offer the services of this facility to create 2D and 3D graphics and animations to our
- The Inevitable Flying Logo Syndrome
- Isn't that the first thing that anyone does with a 3D animation package. Everybody needs
a 3D flying logo animation for their videos (home or professional), or for their web site.
Impress your friends, amaze your enemies, be the envy of everyone on your block. Get your
3D logos here! Would you like to see a sample? If you wish, click here
- Animation
- Using the top animation packages (3D Studio Max,
Hash Animation:Master, and Newtek Lightwave 3D) we can get your animation rendered and out
the door easily. Come with a concept, a mesh, or any ideas, and we can make it work for
- Rendering
- Rendering is done on a network of dual processor computers. Depending on scene
complexity, rendering times vary widely, so the best we can do is estimate how
long it will take for your project. Estimates are based on your own rendering times and
the scene information. Final rendered results can be on any media you want: From
DVD or CD-ROM to
S-VHS, Beta SP, U-matic, DV, or just about anything else. Any resolution you'd like.
Just ask.
- Sales
- We are dealers for computer software and hardware for animation and rendering. If you
want to do this sort of thing yourself, simply ask. We'll set you up right away. As with
any of the Mind Over Machines services, we provide complete customer support. If you're
price shopping, buy mail order. If you need to know how to do something or what to buy
(and how to hook it up and use it), contact us!
Information Request

Send mail to
with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1997-2000
Mind Over Machines Inc.
Last modified:
June 25, 2005